Jan 12, 2012

2nd day, sem 3


Again..my lecturer suggest to me to change my group.she said tht she understand if i'm not feeling comfortable with the guys..owh ya..this morning, i headed to AMF Hall where AA was there.the result was negative.i still have to stay with my group. Luckily, for pyhsics, another 2 sisters coming as they add fz 2.but for physics only.my happiness just for a while.i keep telling myself tht Allah want to teach me something.must be a Hikmah for all of this.

*And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah. (Surah Al-Imran, 54)

Yes.Allah the best planners for all of this. these some qoutes tht my friends pm me..they really good friends.support me when i felt.tenx guys.insyaAllah, ukhuwah till jannah.

" Strenght does mot come from winning. your struggles develop your strenght. when you go through hardship and decide not to surrender, that is strenght-mahatma gandhi."

" godaan hidup di kampus sangatlah mencabar, namun di kampus jugalah mendatangkan ilmu, tarbiah dan pengalamn yang sungguh hebat bagi orang yang bijak.Hamlatul Quran,kau luar biasa.Selamat berjuang-Us. Hasanah MTS"

" Kekuatan kita adalah hak mutlak Allah.kita memang x kn punya daya melainkn dengan izinNya...andai saat ini kekuatan kita hilang, maka pohonlahkepada pemilik kekuatan, mintalah kepada Raja Yang Tak Pernah Lemah.."

" kehidupan dunia tanpa cabaran dan dugaan, tiada nilainya..ada ketika, dugaan dan cabaran membuatkn iman kita bertambah dan kita juga di kurniakn kelebihan dan kekurangan tetapi setiap kekurangan, jika dipandang dari sudut yang berbeza,pasti ia adalah satu kelebihan..Be Strong"

many more.tired enough to type this..just back from my class..again. i'm the only sister in class~


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