Jun 26, 2012

My second year

New session have started.
Intake for New students almost 4000.

Can you imagine how crowded CFS is??CFS is the smallest campus for foundation among IPTA I ever know and total students perhaps approach to 6000+ +.My chest already gasp for some air as too many people here.Library (not my favourite place I cn say),Cafe and all places seems very crowded especially when you walk through the Central Spine.

Huh..Not peace at all!!

Eventhough now, each room in Zainab College consist of 4 students which means FULL. Ya.. each room full till top.

New Sem and new class.

Doesn't quite new actually. A little bit transformation. CFS system always be like this.very poor system.Somehow I know, they try very hard to manage all this things with very old system and thousands people to handle which everyone need to be satisfy.

Back to my class. This time, I and Halimatu are the only sisters in class. And I don't think if there any person coming to this class as Add Drop Session already closed.Brothers now were mix from 2 groups from my previous Sem. One from my origin group and another one from my Math group.plus minus.not everyone.system make it randomly.


I was appointed again to be MRC but I told Principle, I just got 1 sem left.She seems frustrated as she really hope that I join MRC Family again. However, she turned me into Hisbah lines-up.Quite lower than MRC  but still have vital role in Mahallah. Ramadhan will come. And I know, there a lot of work to do as my post related to Da'wah.Just yesterday I've meeting for Ramadhan Almanac. And this evening just receive a letter to go tor Fastrain conducted by FRC. This week as schedule. May Allah protect me.


My mission is to juggle my time and get focus for Murajaah. I realize tht my memory quite slower than before. Maybe I to careless and  being irresnposibble to my Quran..Astaghfirullah ..Allah forgive me. help me to memorize your Quran...


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