Dah lame tak update blog nih..malas+busy..he3
ok2..last post about i can change my group(class) right..Semester 3 tuk session 2011/2012 da lame berakhir..
Almost a year,i'm in foundation..InsyaAllah..only one semester left before i graduate from CFS.but, a bigger challenge wait me for degree.right now,i'm still dont know which one to choose.either biotech or mechatronic.i love physics very much but i afraid if i choose mechatronics, i cn't handle it.rather thn biotech,somthing attaract me more,but i dont know if i cn manage with those Chemistry.
okay, about my very unique story for this semester 3..
Physics class.
Alhamdulillah.I got majority sisters for this class.i really enjoy it.pluz with lecture from Sir Ashraf (mengajar sgt cepat.silibus kami awal seminggu dr coure outline).da lame x rasa kelas perempuan.really good environment coz ade smgt compitition.dan klu tgk cary marks masing2..pergh..almost got above thn 40 per cent.(mrkh penuh carry marks 50 per cent)..
Math class.
ni yg paling sadis.only a girl in class..masuk kelas cam bdak blur..duk diam2.kadang2 ngantuk gak..espcially tajuk hikmahnya..jd rapat ngn Mdm.each tutor, i consult her..kdg2 bual2 dan Mdm pon ade cite kenakaln brothers dlm kelas yg paling menyeksakn ialah time nk wat projek Math.alahai da la sorg2 je bunga..kene buat dgn brothers plak.pandai2 la jaga diri...T-T
Cemistry and English class..
i got the same origin group.kls Chem yg paling meriah sekali coz ade 5 org sisters (maximum da ni yg pernah dpt tuk group ni)..thanks to Halimatu yg selalu jd mangsa buli ..he3
okay2, another story, i've been appointed to replace a position as Ass. MRC.
dpt plak DA'WAH AND TRAINING BUREAU. (cam la warak sgt..)mmg experince yg x dpt dilupakan ialah join Traditional and Culture Week.this program was intermahalah.byk sgt ilmu yg dapat.lbey2 lg duk bawah unit preptech.penat bukan kepalang.selama 2 minggu, hidup x terurus.msuk kelas tp kpl ke lain..time kuiz,Alhamdulillah dpt perform.baru la rasa yg apabila kita gantungkan sgl urusan kita kpd Allah, Allah akn permudahkn.
bergambar bersama UNIC, Saujana dan Dua' selepas persembahan mereka!!
during sukaneka rakyat!!
byk lg program MRC.sumenye untuk mendidik diri ni.Alhamdulillah. exAM pon da lame lepas.InsyaAllah.Tawakkal mengiringi usaha.
English level 6
Physics 2
Mathematics 2
Chemistry 1
*very tough subject bcoz of having 3 core course in a sem*
1.penulisan bercampur between english and malay..try to improve my englis and grammar.not good enough..byk lg kene belajar.
2.actually, klu gune bahasa melayu, x tau perkataan yg paling sesuai tuk describe diri ini.aku?ana?saya?which one??he3
Dah lame tak update blog nih..malas+busy..he3
ok2..last post about i can change my group(class) right..Semester 3 tuk session 2011/2012 da lame berakhir..
Almost a year,i'm in foundation..InsyaAllah..only one semester left before i graduate from CFS.but, a bigger challenge wait me for degree.right now,i'm still dont know which one to choose.either biotech or mechatronic.i love physics very much but i afraid if i choose mechatronics, i cn't handle it.rather thn biotech,somthing attaract me more,but i dont know if i cn manage with those Chemistry.
okay, about my very unique story for this semester 3..
Physics class.
Alhamdulillah.I got majority sisters for this class.i really enjoy it.pluz with lecture from Sir Ashraf (mengajar sgt cepat.silibus kami awal seminggu dr coure outline).da lame x rasa kelas perempuan.really good environment coz ade smgt compitition.dan klu tgk cary marks masing2..pergh..almost got above thn 40 per cent.(mrkh penuh carry marks 50 per cent)..
Math class.
ni yg paling sadis.only a girl in class..masuk kelas cam bdak blur..duk diam2.kadang2 ngantuk gak..espcially tajuk hikmahnya..jd rapat ngn Mdm.each tutor, i consult her..kdg2 bual2 dan Mdm pon ade cite kenakaln brothers dlm kelas yg paling menyeksakn ialah time nk wat projek Math.alahai da la sorg2 je bunga..kene buat dgn brothers plak.pandai2 la jaga diri...T-T
Cemistry and English class..
i got the same origin group.kls Chem yg paling meriah sekali coz ade 5 org sisters (maximum da ni yg pernah dpt tuk group ni)..thanks to Halimatu yg selalu jd mangsa buli ..he3
okay2, another story, i've been appointed to replace a position as Ass. MRC.
dpt plak DA'WAH AND TRAINING BUREAU. (cam la warak sgt..)mmg experince yg x dpt dilupakan ialah join Traditional and Culture Week.this program was intermahalah.byk sgt ilmu yg dapat.lbey2 lg duk bawah unit preptech.penat bukan kepalang.selama 2 minggu, hidup x terurus.msuk kelas tp kpl ke lain..time kuiz,Alhamdulillah dpt perform.baru la rasa yg apabila kita gantungkan sgl urusan kita kpd Allah, Allah akn permudahkn.
bergambar bersama UNIC, Saujana dan Dua' selepas persembahan mereka!!
during sukaneka rakyat!!
byk lg program MRC.sumenye untuk mendidik diri ni.Alhamdulillah. exAM pon da lame lepas.InsyaAllah.Tawakkal mengiringi usaha.
English level 6
Physics 2
Mathematics 2
Chemistry 1
*very tough subject bcoz of having 3 core course in a sem*
1.penulisan bercampur between english and malay..try to improve my englis and grammar.not good enough..byk lg kene belajar.
2.actually, klu gune bahasa melayu, x tau perkataan yg paling sesuai tuk describe diri ini.aku?ana?saya?which one??he3