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Dec 22, 2012

my degree


After a long waiting,delaying after delaying,finally the result come out.


the majoring i dream over a years on front of my eyes now.


*this post is the most 'like' i get on fb :)

i know,Allah will give me the best course.He will not burden me with something i can't.and surely,

this is not come from my du'a parents,my teachers and lecturers and my friends surround me kept praying for my sucsess.

there are big challence waiting for me soon.there a valuable price to pay for.

so,keep praying.keep strong

wallahu 'alam.

Nov 15, 2012

1434 H !

Another year of hijri come.
And as usual,there are a lot of post regarding our niah and new spirit and goal.

So,how about mine? :)

i'm no differ with others.also want to upgrade my niah and my achieavement.I realize there a lot of wasted time during my Foundation year.yaah..I enjoy it pretty much

Hanging out with friends.
Blogging out of list.

I bet, i do lot of socialize.


I realize tht my semester juz a couple weeks left.and i gain nothing from this garden of knowledge.i rarely going to talk,talaqqi and usrah 'ilm tht enlight my spirit.


a common reason.heh.
project.lab report and bla2..
how poor i am.

for this coming new year(seems rare isn't to call it new year),
i was looking for new myself
of course
Gombak life will be more callenging.
and i want to fill up my self with those spiritual program.
yet,engineer is tough course.
and i won't make any more excuse to myself because of study.

result already release out last week.
and i happy with my work.
i know calculus and programming is not my good friend.
but both of them make it nice to me this time.

For now,
 juz pray for me tht i'll get  the best course in engineering kuliyyah.

Allah will know the best!!



Jun 26, 2012

My second year

New session have started.
Intake for New students almost 4000.

Can you imagine how crowded CFS is??CFS is the smallest campus for foundation among IPTA I ever know and total students perhaps approach to 6000+ +.My chest already gasp for some air as too many people here.Library (not my favourite place I cn say),Cafe and all places seems very crowded especially when you walk through the Central Spine.

Huh..Not peace at all!!

Eventhough now, each room in Zainab College consist of 4 students which means FULL. Ya.. each room full till top.

New Sem and new class.

Doesn't quite new actually. A little bit transformation. CFS system always be like this.very poor system.Somehow I know, they try very hard to manage all this things with very old system and thousands people to handle which everyone need to be satisfy.

Back to my class. This time, I and Halimatu are the only sisters in class. And I don't think if there any person coming to this class as Add Drop Session already closed.Brothers now were mix from 2 groups from my previous Sem. One from my origin group and another one from my Math minus.not everyone.system make it randomly.


I was appointed again to be MRC but I told Principle, I just got 1 sem left.She seems frustrated as she really hope that I join MRC Family again. However, she turned me into Hisbah lines-up.Quite lower than MRC  but still have vital role in Mahallah. Ramadhan will come. And I know, there a lot of work to do as my post related to Da'wah.Just yesterday I've meeting for Ramadhan Almanac. And this evening just receive a letter to go tor Fastrain conducted by FRC. This week as schedule. May Allah protect me.


My mission is to juggle my time and get focus for Murajaah. I realize tht my memory quite slower than before. Maybe I to careless and  being irresnposibble to my Quran..Astaghfirullah ..Allah forgive me. help me to memorize your Quran...

May 15, 2012

I've through it


Dah lame tak update blog nih..malas+busy..he3

ok2..last post about i can change my group(class) right..Semester 3 tuk session 2011/2012 da lame berakhir..

Almost a year,i'm in foundation..InsyaAllah..only one semester left before i graduate from CFS.but, a bigger challenge wait me for degree.right now,i'm still dont know which one to choose.either biotech or mechatronic.i love physics very much but i afraid if i choose mechatronics, i cn't handle it.rather thn biotech,somthing attaract me more,but i dont know if i cn manage with those Chemistry.

okay,  about my very unique story for this semester 3..

Physics class.
Alhamdulillah.I got majority sisters for this class.i really enjoy it.pluz with lecture from Sir Ashraf  (mengajar sgt cepat.silibus kami awal seminggu dr coure outline).da lame x rasa kelas perempuan.really good environment coz ade smgt compitition.dan klu tgk cary marks masing2..pergh..almost got above thn 40 per cent.(mrkh penuh carry marks 50 per cent)..

Math class.
ni yg paling sadis.only a girl in class..masuk kelas cam bdak blur..duk diam2.kadang2 ngantuk gak..espcially tajuk hikmahnya..jd rapat ngn Mdm.each tutor, i consult her..kdg2 bual2 dan Mdm pon ade cite kenakaln brothers dlm kelas yg paling menyeksakn ialah time nk wat projek Math.alahai da la sorg2 je bunga..kene buat dgn brothers plak.pandai2 la jaga diri...T-T

Cemistry and English class..
i got the same origin group.kls Chem yg paling meriah sekali coz ade 5 org sisters (maximum da ni yg pernah dpt tuk group ni)..thanks to Halimatu yg selalu jd mangsa buli ..he3

okay2, another story, i've been appointed to replace a position as Ass. MRC.

dpt plak DA'WAH AND TRAINING BUREAU. (cam la warak sgt..)mmg experince yg x dpt dilupakan ialah join Traditional and Culture Week.this program was intermahalah.byk sgt ilmu yg dapat.lbey2 lg duk bawah unit preptech.penat bukan kepalang.selama 2 minggu, hidup x terurus.msuk kelas tp kpl ke lain..time kuiz,Alhamdulillah dpt perform.baru la rasa yg apabila kita gantungkan sgl urusan kita kpd Allah, Allah akn permudahkn.

                  bergambar bersama UNIC, Saujana dan Dua' selepas persembahan mereka!!

                                                    during sukaneka rakyat!!

byk lg program MRC.sumenye untuk mendidik diri ni.Alhamdulillah. exAM pon da lame lepas.InsyaAllah.Tawakkal mengiringi usaha.


English level 6
Physics 2
Mathematics 2
Chemistry 1

*very tough subject bcoz of having 3 core course in a sem*

1.penulisan bercampur between english and malay..try to improve my englis and grammar.not good enough..byk  lg kene belajar.
2.actually, klu gune bahasa melayu, x tau perkataan yg paling sesuai tuk describe diri ini.aku?ana?saya?which one??he3

Jan 14, 2012

3rd day, sem 3


Friday is the last day for Add and Drop session.

I woke up from bed with liitle bit dizzy and warm.perhaps,i've cry a lot for last couple days.
Actually, i didnt planned to see AA today as i getting give up. i get ready myself by 8.30 am although my class start by 10am. I asked FH if she can accompany to AMF Hall.

ni pegi sbb mdm math yg beria2 suruh tukar grup.she said just try again. math mdm was right.i went  to math counter and asked if i can changed my group.she said yes.i was very happy.but i've to search the group alone.unlucky for me, none of group was tally to my table..

i went to chemistry counter..also i got the same answer.yes,i can changed my group.she little bit pity with me.i searched which group tally to my table.i got group 162.this is my previous group for sem 1..happy x terkata.. quickly, i call HS and told her i got her group.she also happy.

then, i was told by my new friends for physics tht their suddenly have to change to another group. i rushed to physics counter and begging to my lecturer (he is Head of Department Physics). he said tht it is up to AA.i begging again to AA and Alhamdulillah...again,i search the group.this time i got my roomate group.majority for this group is sisters.i was not in afraid anymore..

next,i went to english counter.again  i searched the group.and i got my previous group english for last semester.

everything going well.i went to computer lab for register online.and now officially i've changed my group.except for math.i never mind for this bcoz mdm math quite friendly..

at the end of this, i get sana, ke sini, uruskn sume ni.alhamdulillah...i'll not cry anymore.

MORAL STORY: Allah is the best planners. He know best for you.Just be patient and never give up!!~

~tenx to FH.tired kn.da belanja nasi ayam da..hehe

Jan 12, 2012

2nd day, sem 3

Bismillahirahmanirrahim... lecturer suggest to me to change my group.she said tht she understand if i'm not feeling comfortable with the guys..owh ya..this morning, i headed to AMF Hall where AA was there.the result was negative.i still have to stay with my group. Luckily, for pyhsics, another 2 sisters coming as they add fz 2.but for physics happiness just for a while.i keep telling myself tht Allah want to teach me something.must be a Hikmah for all of this.

*And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah. (Surah Al-Imran, 54)

Yes.Allah the best planners for all of this. these some qoutes tht my friends pm me..they really good me when i felt.tenx guys.insyaAllah, ukhuwah till jannah.

" Strenght does mot come from winning. your struggles develop your strenght. when you go through hardship and decide not to surrender, that is strenght-mahatma gandhi."

" godaan hidup di kampus sangatlah mencabar, namun di kampus jugalah mendatangkan ilmu, tarbiah dan pengalamn yang sungguh hebat bagi orang yang bijak.Hamlatul Quran,kau luar biasa.Selamat berjuang-Us. Hasanah MTS"

" Kekuatan kita adalah hak mutlak Allah.kita memang x kn punya daya melainkn dengan izinNya...andai saat ini kekuatan kita hilang, maka pohonlahkepada pemilik kekuatan, mintalah kepada Raja Yang Tak Pernah Lemah.."

" kehidupan dunia tanpa cabaran dan dugaan, tiada nilainya..ada ketika, dugaan dan cabaran membuatkn iman kita bertambah dan kita juga di kurniakn kelebihan dan kekurangan tetapi setiap kekurangan, jika dipandang dari sudut yang berbeza,pasti ia adalah satu kelebihan..Be Strong"

many more.tired enough to type this..just back from my class..again. i'm the only sister in class~

Jan 11, 2012

1st day, sem 3


starting this sem with a little i'm the only sister in class..ya..really..

this morning,i try to be positive. i step into class as nobody in class.i'm waiting for lecturer..then,brothers keep coming.i didnt feel nervous or scary at all bcoz i already know all the brothers.yet,they are the same brothers during short sem.

lecturer is coming and we taaruf as usual.what cn i said tht,this lecturer "sgt bekeng"..from her face and her talk prove my theory.

return from class, fh has waiting me.we had planned to met after our class finish. i went to engine department to consult an Academic Advisor (AA).i was told tht they are already opened the counter for Add and Drop session at AMF Hall.  i went there and there was a lot of people 'Q'ing everywhere..and i decide to give up.

i headed to Student Development Department (SDD) to received my offer later and fill up couple forms. ya..the night before i was informed tht i gonna be fasilitator for study circle this sem (jd naqibah usrah la).

after tht, i took my brunch (breakfast+lunch) with fh, ni and tas.i listen to fh story as she also the only sister in her class but her story was happy story while i'm not.suddenly , i back to my room as my tears rooling down..

i'm not strong enough to be an engineer.i'm cry on first day.and here i'm, laying on the bed,waiting for next class by 4pm.again, i'm the only sister in class..(T-T)

Jan 2, 2012

kematian itu pasti


dgn nikmatNya..aku ingin menulis...

Seringkali kte  menyebut bahawa kte rindu kn kmatian namun cukupkah psediaan kte untuk mhadapinya???

klu saya betulkn persepsi bahawa kte sharusnya takut akn kmatian..YA..TAKUT AKAN KEMATIAN!!
 knape?? bcoz takut sebab banyak nye t/jawab yg x terlaksana..t/jawab dgn Allah,Rasulullah,parenz,siblings,murabbi,quran dan ummah..yes..i'm afraid of death..

analogi yg serba ringkas: spt kte nk exam..b4 melangkah ke dewan tue..mst timbul bbagai perasaan..cuak, neves n etc..sbb ape?? sbb kte rase yg latihan and preparations yg kte wat sblm ni takut x mcukupi..mcm tu lah kmatian..adakh preparations kte selama ini mcukupi..melangkah ke alam barzakh tnp teman..dan mhadapi soaln dari malaikat munkar n nangkir..and the most what i afraid of's ur quran..???

sjujurnya..cdey dan kecewa thadap diri snd coz x mmpu mengingati the whole quran..malu nk mngaku Al-Hafizah..btul..diri ini x masyi spt dulu..waktu di MTS dulu, bole kate ok skrang..tut..tut..

orang kate klu kte berusaha untuk murajaah walau ckit, Allah akn nilai usaha i think what i've done to myself is not enough..not enough to memorize the whole quran..juzu' 5 ke bawah pon belum tentu lg lancar..

That's why i'm really afraid of death..belum campur dosa lain lg..hanye krn Al-quran,cukup menginsafkn diri...

2012 mbuka tirainya..bertambah tahun,smakin singkat waktu untuk beramal,semakin dekat dgn kematian, mgkn x keterlaluan klu mgatakn semakin dekat kiamat...krn kiamat dan kematian kte sudah di tetapkn..

time is thicking..pnuhkn waktu yg ade untuk saving accout akhirat kte byk2..

Salam Muhasabah!!~


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