there such a long time tht i'm not meet my high school fren...since i took my spm's result n i just leave..almost 8 month perhaps...
so,the story begin when my dearest fren,Siti khadijah Norzu sent me a msg..
"salam.jom pegi mid ahad ni nk?"
n i just reply of course..n i thinking with who i want to go..luckily,after a long planning,Dbah wish to stay in a night wif me at ZC (opsss..squating..lalala)..
20 November 2011
Adibah n I start our day wif a little walk around CFSIIUM..then having a breakfast tht i bought from UKC cafe (cafe ZC tutup..pelik tol)..
so,the story begin when my dearest fren,Siti khadijah Norzu sent me a msg..
"salam.jom pegi mid ahad ni nk?"
n i just reply of course..n i thinking with who i want to go..luckily,after a long planning,Dbah wish to stay in a night wif me at ZC (opsss..squating..lalala)..
20 November 2011
Adibah n I start our day wif a little walk around CFSIIUM..then having a breakfast tht i bought from UKC cafe (cafe ZC tutup..pelik tol)..
so,kteorg pon bersiap2 la..about 10 am..kteorg pon bjalan ke gate tuk mnuggu bas..again luckily,bus are waiting for us..huhu..dlm hati ni xcitednye nk jumpe dyeorg..rase cam lmbt je bas ni..
finally, we arived at MID VALLEY promised,kteorg gathered kt MPH Bookstores..Ya Allah,tharu nye dapat jumpe kwn2 yg sgt dirindui..Siti Khadijah Norzu,K.Atiqah Amanina,Fatin Siti and Afifah Rosli..still waiting for Lly Omar..
then,melilau la lam MPH tue..mmg rmbang mata tgk buku..mcm nk beli duit xde+elaun x masuk 2k short,beli satu je lah..
K.tiq and fatin siti mborong sampai rm 100 lbey smata2 nk wat mmber card free..while waiting k.tiq n fatin siti,kteorg pon snap r gmbr kenangn dpn mph..
ok..lunch time..we dicided to get our lunch at PizzaHut..da nak abes makan,baru LIYANA OMAR mmunculkn diri nye..nseb bek ade lg pizza lbey..klu x, maunye mngamuk bdak ni..huhu Afifah pon teringin nk msuk JJ..kteorg pon moved la ke JJ..smpi je kt floor Ladies World..emm..sume da jd x keruan..mane x nyer..tgh sale..murah bgt dong...lpas satu part dyeorg first,i dont buy anything bcoz i always came to JJ wif my, rase cam biase je la...garu kpl tgk dyeorg beli baju..perempuan la katakn...hihi..last2 jumpe gak bende nk beli..hrga yg RM70 dpt diskaun 70%..jd RM 17.70,i grab tht one only..
hurmm..duk dlm JJ ni 2 jam x,kteorg stop pegi solat zohor..after tht yana sambung lg beli baju..ape ntah yg dye cari coz k.tiq , ppah n me already went downstair ..heading to BIG APPLE..amboi borong sakan lak k.tiq kt cni...penat sgt..smpi ppah n me just sit down and wait for others..
and time seems going very fast..and without realize,almost 3pm..(malam ni ade kuiz fizik..x study lg..aisey..)
and the moment very sad to let go my fren back to their college..i've to accept tht we 've our rensposibility to continue our study kat tempat,ape lg..snap la byak..wat kenagn..
and we hug each other wif very sad feeling especially wih djah norzu..very sad..indeed....
adibah and i continue our journey back to cfs as dbah left all her things in my room..
dbah still cn smile after very tired day...huhu..
after tht,is a time i say god bye to she will return to PASUM..
tenx a lot guys for tht happy moment..miz u so soon...hope we cn meet again..
"A true freinds never say GOOD BYE"..insyaAllah ukhuwah fillah till jannah~